Title of yet to be published book: Lagos Boy: An African voice abroad by Kole Odutola It is a collection of poetry about the City. "I fled the city and left in my trail a collection of poetry no one bothered to read. Now I turn to Lagos, the City written into poetry and prose." Lagos will speak in all of us!
OAcademy delivers professional-caliber orchestra training online. The six-month journey empowers rising musicians across the Americas and beyond to become job-ready artists. Explore & Apply → The Gabriela Montero Piano Lab provides elite-level mentorship to a new generation of concert pianists. The twelve-month lab readies emerging pianists for concert-level careers. Explore & Apply → The Carlos Miguel Prieto Conducting Fellowship prepares rising conductors for world-class career opportunities – providing formative tools for stage leadership at the highest level. Explore & Apply → OAcademy fills in the missing pieces of a puzzle for rising musicians Learn how → The Rise of OAcademy The performing arts world is changing rapidly, yet music instruction has increasingly lost touch with how to effectively prepare graduates for real-world career success. OAcademy was created to reinvent the relationship between music education and the demands of the real world. We bring together ...